Job-oriented courses are educational programs designed to prepare students with specific skills and knowledge needed for a particular profession or industry. These courses are focused on providing practical and hands-on training to equip students with the skills and competencies required for a particular job role.

Job-oriented courses are often short-term and can range from a few weeks to several months or a year. They are designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge that are in high demand in the job market, making them more employable and competitive in their chosen fields.

There are a wide variety of job-oriented courses available across different industries, including technology. Some popular examples of job-oriented courses include digital marketing, data science, web development, accounting, and graphic design.

Job-oriented courses can be pursued by students who have completed their high school education or who have graduated from college. These courses can help individuals who are looking to start their careers, enhance their existing skills, or switch to a new career path.